NOW the guy grabs the phone and calls up Feliz' Mama's mama, and fails to ask us if its okay to let Feliz talk to someone on the phone. Of course, Mom and Dad are utterly excluded from phone conversations. They're Poor Ol' Deaf Folk. It matters not that you'll serve us with tidbits of information post-conversation in that Shitbird Sign Language of yours. The fact that you see nothing wrong with excluding us DURING THAT MOMENT IN TIME WHICH IS SHARED BY ALL PRESENT (aka NOW), only tells us how much you don't know about us Poor Ol' Deaf Folk. Respect is inclusion in that now. Disrespect is when you repeat the same offense, time and time and time again, after being informed.
How do I parent my KODA child when you're teaching him something that is WRONG?
"Exclusion of YOUR parents is okay because they can't use the phone."
A Messenger
Real Time is kept by the pace of a Runner's Feet.
Time between Here to There is a matter of Weeks.
The next Time I receive word from you is a matter Months.
A real long Time is a matter of many Years.
The Music is in the heart.
That is where your ear is.
If you can't keep time,
you must be lost in it.
The busker softly gropes a few women as they occasionally pass by him.
He fiddles with his thoughts and he thinks with his fiddle.
Many Lives Lived.
Many Loves Lost.
A Telephone doesn't disable us poor ol' Deaf folks,
It disables "Them" from seeing what it is "they do".
If I decide to tell people that Feliz cannot use the phone at all, poor old hearin' folk would cry foul and abuse.
What gives?
You are such good parents I am in awe.