

Ol Will

"All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages." -Shakespeare

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Assholes Anonymous

I must be doing something right when a barrage of anonymous commentators decide to attack me and my blogposts that relate to Deaf children and their education. I mean, if I'm getting threats and statements that attempt hurt me, scare me, and belittle me, hell, I AM doing something right!

You see, when I first had my blog go through the DeafRead aggregate, I would allow anonymous comments to be posted because I respected people and their right to retain privacy while participating in Deaf related discussions. Alas, after years of studying the patterns of various IP addresses, I have come to know who these people are and how or why they react to the particular things I have expressed on MY blog.

Damn, I'm good!
Express I can.
Express I will.

With this, it is safe to say that you are never anonymous when you show up here on my blog. I know who you are and I've got you tagged and bagged, yet if you want such comments to be posted, I suggest you find some courage and use your real names. If not,... it just goes to show that you can't play with the big dogs because you pee like a puppy. You can't be a real person. Just a puppet who makes futile attempts to mindfuck yours truly.

Sorry folks, you can't intimidate me because I've sided with the children and the Truth. It sure is nice to know that my doing such truth saying intimidates you. It should! Otherwise I wouldn't get such hateful remarks from these no-name cowards. You're the ones who are paddling upstream (south) on Denial and you know what they say about things going South....

Tsk...I wonder why you're intimidated?
*whistling and twiddling thumbs as I look at the heavens above*

You want us to "move on" when you're the ones chaining Deaf children to an ideology that has failed many of us. Don't believe it now? Wait til puberty kicks in and the Truth comes out. Yep, the days to come when your denial is challenged by their Truth.

Again,..Just YOU wait...

I know,..I got a Mama and a Papa and it hurts them to read the things I say because it is the Truth and they know it. Just like you will...

Asshole Anonymous ;)

P.S. Summertime!


  1. great blog as always, jeff....screw them, they know we are right....keep fighting! :)

  2. "you pee like a puppy. ", LOL. Yeah, puberty. Deaf soul's taking ownership of self. Controlling parents can jack their ears off.

  3. I think if they REALLY believe what they say, they'll have the courage of their convictions to say it in public, with their real names. Hiding behind a screen is simply cowardly.

  4. dang - u is good

    this is true

    and "say it loud. I'm Deaf and proud!"

    i is sorry that ur place of truth was besieged by a barrage of no namers.

    Its a shame they is ashamed of their own name

    ur proposal of an AA program for them is mighty fine. 12 steps are handy

    in the mean time we be having the "spiritual audacity to assert our somebodyness" (MLK) and to name our selves, name what other folks r playing at (row row row ur boat they sing as they paddle against the current going south)

    and yep it means we r on the right path - the path of righteousness

    re: summer time YEE HAW

    big ole storm last night - long lightening - not a bit frightening. the mother has powers


