

Ol Will

"All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages." -Shakespeare

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Résumé or Resume : The Same As It Ever Was.

“So what do you do for a living?”

Well, I usually answer with all kinds of bullshit and with that said, I have to admit that I have a B.S. degree in Human Psychology. I Got My PhD and have my practice at several posts all over the country. Basically, I study the people. The habits. The ways. The means. The whole darn picture we have created. I witness, I act, I dance, I drink, I sing, I scream; I am the Fool! I am poor. Pond-scum! I live to learn what Is is. It is Truth. I live to see beyond the face and armor you use to hide your lies and shames, your pains, your names. I live to hear your still quiet voice. And I do. I live to share a truth about a government that chose to exploit the people, namely YOU, solely to benefit a select few who have long been wealthy, powerful, and dominant. The Elitists. The habits. The ways. The means. And the all puppet-masters on the third planet from the Sun. The whole dad-gum thing, ya know. The whole perimeter.

PhD, post hole digger.
So, you follow me?
Maybe we'll need the shovel...
"tha wha..."

I mean, we got bugs of all kinds flying around, crawling aground, and laying eggs in all sorts of places and spaces. You wouldn't want to believe me even if I told you which one was what one and that one is this one. Besides, bugs gotta do what bugs gotta do. Even if they're still “people”.

Am I an exterminator?
Well, no...not quite.
I'm a detector.
Yet when I detect, Identify and Name,
Someone dies.
One day, I'll die.

Bugs in your ears. Bugs in your light. Bugs in your rugs.
Bugs in your beers. Bugs in your sight. Bugs in your hugs...

And flies, to be particular, always deal in lies, and I know this because they're always full of shit.
Flying around the shitter and shitting on your dishes. Whoo-ey! I kill those guys. You know, simple. Thwap! Boom! Bang!
Adios amigo.

Aha, I see that you follow me. ;)

You see, I am just an actor on THE Man's Made Up World where everyone talks about money, power, war, and greed and while I act, I study on the sides. Everybody thinks I'm Deaf so I go around and pretend that I'm Deaf. I get a government check because I'm Disabled. Pretending to be Deaf is a Disability. It's A Mental Disability, yet I am a psychologist. And I do study THE people. YOU people.

We, THE, People of the United States of America.

In sweet, I know what it is to be free and I see what it is to be enslaved.
You, People, can choose to subscribe or...not.

And REMEMBER, kids:

Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny are fake-believe, God is real.
Fukushima is Fuckin'shit-up!
Fracking is Destruction.
Privacy is no more.

Water is life. Respect Life.
Grow and eat lots of Veggies,
Exercise often and get a full 8 hours of sleep.
Hope and Pray always,
Be Patient and Faithful.
And Love your enemies,
Ultimately, Forgive them.

Buenas Noches desde La Zona Del Silencio.
D. Jeff

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